Tuesday, August 30, 2005

*RUMOR* Another day, another Revolution release date and price

Guess what guys, you are going to be paying $299.99 for your Nintendo Revolution, and expect to pick it up this Christmas...according to GameAsylum. GameAsylum is a site that sells all sorts of video game products, including consoles. Looks like GameAsylum wants to join the Revolution speculation, and what they posted is a shocker. According to their site, the Revolution will be shipping this Christmas, much earlier then expected. Why isn't it illegal for these sites to post guesses for release dates?! At least post *RUMOR* like I do! Check out a picture from the site below.

*Make sure to check out the NEW messageboards on the right, and don't forget to post your questions for this week's podcast!*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW they say the list price is 499 hahah ya right

9:29 AM, August 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It says that it includes the Jap manual, which is interesting. Also, how do they know that it has a 110v power supply? Sounds like someone called Madam Cleo for their free psychic reading. "You're a libra, aren't ya darlin'?"

10:07 AM, August 31, 2005  

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