Sunday, August 28, 2005

Gotta Love Conspiracy Theories

This might take the cake as the best Revolution theory yet...maybe I should say the craziest instead of the best. All I am going to say is GameCube and add on the link below to check out this guy's blog.

Craziest Revolution Theory Yet!

*Make sure to check out the NEW messageboards on the right, and don't forget to post your questions for this week's podcast!*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you shouldnt have even put this on here. its depressing to know that there are people out there bent against nintendo. if it was some like P. Harrison then its important for us Shiggy fans to hear about, but this guy is just ridiculous.

it tastes like.... tree sap!

7:07 AM, August 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree andrew , this guy is hungry wanabe jurnalist that posts anything...what a moron

11:01 AM, August 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can tell he is fake by how he reacts to the negative posts. Noone of any merit or intriguity would start responding with cursing like he did.

The same with SeriousGamer, once he started this attack on his doubters then he revealed himself as how much of a fruad he really is.
(Not that the admissions didn't help anyway.)

11:09 AM, August 29, 2005  
Blogger RawmeatCowboy said...

Well thats kinda why I put it up! Get the idea out there that this guy is crazy now, instead of him growing to seriousgamer status.

11:43 AM, August 29, 2005  
Blogger RawmeatCowboy said...

I agree that its depressing to know that there are people out there that dont like Nintendo, but still...they are commenting on the company. Just because Harrison is a bigwig and this guy isnt doesnt mean that the story isnt worth covering. I want to cover all the Nintendo news out there, good and bad.

11:46 AM, August 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good news and bad new is ok, but not pathetic news

12:22 PM, August 29, 2005  
Blogger RawmeatCowboy said...

Hey, news is news! I cover all things Nintendo and I stand by my story. Its not like I don't cover the important stories. Fluff stories have their part in the news too!

12:43 PM, August 29, 2005  

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