Tuesday, August 02, 2005

BIG NEWS *Rumor* Email Received Concerning Revolution

First off, let me say that I am extremely happy about the amount of traffic the site has been receiving in its first few days. I thank all of you who have hopped on board, I hope you stay for the ride. Anyways, back to business... I checked my email this afternoon and found 2 emails from *Sizcoz*. I do not have any idea who this person is, but they decided to let me in on a little *supposed* Revolution information. The emails contain what looks like to be schematics and drawings from a patent. One email also contained an explanation of what we are seeing. Check out the pics, read the included info, and see what you think of the whole situation. Hopefully I will be able to get in touch with *Sizcoz* and get a little back and forth going.

From the *Sizcoz*

Simulated objects and characters are displayed on the LCD screen in a natural pictorial setting and can be selected, moved, constructed, changed, or deleted by a player without revealing to other players these objects of interest or their disposition. In the preferred embodiment, hand-held control units have touchscreens so that players can point to objects and characters on the LCD screen without always using cursors or push button. The video game system in general will provide a unified game experience in which hand-held controllers do more than just control a console game, but also do more than just a stand-alone hand-held game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

patents from Nintendo always show Mario on the TV .

As him for a link to the patent :)

2:11 PM, August 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting...a *similar* controller design with a display was patented by Nintendo TODAY:


Whoa...sorry the link is so long. Anyway, I think that this is either an amazing coincidence or just maybe there really is something to this. Keep up the good work, love this site.

6:10 PM, August 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHOA again...the link above takes you to a patent by Immersion. I don't know how this happened. I just copied and pasted the link to the Nintendo patent...and it takes you to a patent filed TODAY by Immersion. Weird. I'm re-posting the link to the Nintendo patent:


Hope it works this time.

6:18 PM, August 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW...I don't know whats happening. I swear I copied the link to the Nintendo patent...and it takes you to Immersion. Crazy stuff. Anyway, the Nintendo patent I'm talking about is number 6,923,722. Do a search for it on the US patent site (http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html) or just look up 'Nintendo', it should show up on top since it was filed today. If you do find the patent, do a test, try posting the link, and then copy the link to your address bar. I swear I'm not kidding. This is weird.

6:24 PM, August 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...doesn't anyone care about this? Its been hours and still no response. That the Nintendo patent link takes you to an Immersion patent is just a coincidence, I realize that, but still...this borders on insanity. Since no one seems to care, I'm just gonna try this ONE MORE TIME.

Nintendo patent link (split):




Nintendo patent link (whole):


These are the exact same links, so if one takes you to the Nintendo patent and the other takes you to the Immersion patent then somethings going on here...otherwise, call me a fruit case. I've cleaned out my internet cookies and such so I don't beleive that its just my computer. If anyone has the same experience as me, please post.

1:53 AM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a fruit case! Just kidding. I'm not having that problem. Both links take me to the Nintendo patent. A VERY interesting patent btw. Thanks for posting it. I can't view the images though. Do you know if they have been posted anywhere else?

8:32 AM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they mention nintendo in the text of the patent ie. nintendo, sony, microsoft it will show that related patent. It does not mean it is Nintendo's patent, you want to refine your search to file by, or assigne.

8:36 AM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words if i had a patent and put the word nintendo in it, if you searched just using the word nintendo , my patent would show up.

8:42 AM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was filed by nintendo on set 4 2003, the most interesting aspect is the controller with lcd quote "Still further, in the above embodiment, the game system is configured by the first game machine 20 and the second game machine 30. Alternatively, as illustrated in FIG. 13, a controller 80 having an LCD 81 is used instead of the second game machine 30 for configuring the game system. In this case, the image displayed on the LCD 35 in the above embodiment is displayed on the LCD 81. The image data for display on the LCD 81 is generated by the CPU 21 of the first game machine 20 executing a game program (having a function of both the program for the first game machine and the program for the second game machine in the present embodiment). The generated image data is transferred through a cable to the controller 80. "

8:55 AM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm posts 2 thru 5. I guess I over reacted a little. The Nintendo patent link that I posted still somehow takes me to the Immersion patent. The Immersion patent is very interesting too. Its patent number 6,924,787. It's something about using a glove (maybe) to interact in a virtual world.

I still don't know why my computer takes me there. In response to posts 7 and 8, the link doesn't take me to a search page, it takes me directly to the immersion patent. Furthermore, I never even viewed the Immersion patent before, so I still don't see how it could have taken me there.

Anyway, I guess I'll give up on this now. But really, imagine posting a link to a Nintendo patent yourself, copying it into you address bar, and being taken to a new Immersion patent about interacting with virtual worlds. I really thought I was going crazy. Anyway, thanks for the response.

9:51 AM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like this won't alienate people. Everybody will be like OH WOW THIS LOOKS EASY TO USE! And i'm gonna play all my N64 games with this.

7:56 AM, August 04, 2005  

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